Care Home Category: Residential
The main body of the home is set in the old village vicarage, restored and decorated to create a
warm home from home feeling. There is one residents’ lounge and 5 single bedrooms in this
original building, with a further 9 single and 1 double bedrooms, a larger lounge and conveniences
located in the purpose built extension. At this ground level we have a medi-bath, three toilets and
a shower room. All rooms have washbasins and emergency call points (24 hour staff). There is a
Stair lift to the upstairs bedrooms and bathroom.
All rooms are tastefully decorated and well equipped, with residents being encouraged to enhance
their living space by adding their own cherished belongings.
Our aim at Pennal View is to provide a friendly, homely environment for our residents, offering
them comfort, security and respect while actively supporting their independence and freedom of
choice. Welsh home life coupled with purpose built facilities of the highest standard aims to
satisfy all their needs and requirements.
We aim to provide a wholesome and appetising menu with particular emphasis on fresh produce
and farmhouse style home baking. Individual choice is respected, with alternative meals on offer
at meal times. Individual preferences and special dietary requirements are happily catered for.
Meal times are relaxed and unhurried and are set in the pleasant surroundings of the communal
dining tables in the residents’ lounges.
Exercise when possible is encouraged and there is always freedom of movement around the
home. Residents can walk in the grounds or along our quiet lanes to enjoy the scenery.
Strong links are maintained within the local community enabling residents to enjoy and
participate in community life and social events if they wish. Residents are also encouraged to
maintain contact with their own community, friends and relatives as much as possible after
admission into the home. Residents’ can receive visitors privately in their rooms or in the lounges.
Groups such as the local church and chapels, primary schools and community groups, as well as a
musicians of varying styles regularly visit the home.
Individual religious beliefs are respected. We can arrange visiting clergy from the local chapel and
church to give communion as required. Arrangements can also be made for clients to attend
religious services; either with their families or transport from the home can be arranged along
with carer supervision.
Relatives are encouraged to take residents out for either a ride in the car, a day out or even a
weekend away.